The August, 2023 Ultimate Baseball Camp is a comprehensive course of TOTAL baseball. It combines both group and individual training in game fundamentals and specialty areas. Clinics focus on demonstration, instruction and drills in all areas of the game, including pitching, hitting, fielding, throwing, baserunning and more. Lessons, drills and contests that focus on technique, mechanics, muscle memory and plyometrics are included. Special baseball-oriented vision drills are utilized with some players, and personalized video analysis is also available. A special two-day Speed Camp with renowned running coach Dan Green is included. Finally, the entire camp is balanced throughout with advanced training exercises and casual "classroom" sessions that focus on such things as rules of the game, baseball etiquette, special game situations, scoring, statistics, the mental game, and much more. This is the ideal camp for developing areas of your game that are difficult or impossible to work on during the season. Don't miss it!
Click here to view or print the promotional flyer. Or right click and select "Save Link As" (or "Save Target As") to download the flyer and share with friends and family.
Boys age 11 - 18 *
Advanced, intermediate and beginner players encouraged to attend
* Age is based on the age the player will be on September 1, 2023. But please note that for Speed Camp Only, it is now open to all boys ages 8 and up; this allows us to accommodate both younger and older (college) players.
NOTE: During the regular (non-speed-camp) portions of the camp, some activities will have the players divided by age group with 14 and under being one group and 15 and above being the other. In these cases, some 14 year old players may be invited (but not required) to participate with the older group.
Barton Park / Zack Kahn Sports Complex (Click link for map & directions)
2500 South Loop 336
Conroe, Texas 77302
Monday through Thursday / August 7-10, 2023
Speed Camp Only: For those participating in the Speed Camp only, the dates are Tuesday, August 8 and Wednesday, Wednesday August 9.
1:00 - 5:00 pm each day
Speed Camp Only: For those participating in the Speed Camp only, the hours for that are 1:00 - 3:00 on the speed camp days.
For updates on dates and times, please refer to the Camp Calendar, which will be updated as needed.
Just $300 for the entire camp!
Speed Camp Only: $100
Special group discounts are available for coaches (with players) and multi-player families. Call 936-443-1969 for details.
Rain Dates:
On days where weather prohibits the use of the field, there are several possibilities:
- With enough notice (and depending on the activities planned for that particular day) we may choose to move indoors.
- If the end of a day's activities are rained out, we will simply extend the time beyond 5:00 on one or more of the following days to make up for the lost time. If this occurs on the last day of the camp, and it is less than an hour, the camp will end at that point. If it is more than an hour, a partial refund may be granted.
- If an entire day is rained out and we do not choose to move indoors, we will make up the date on Monday, August 14.
- If the entire week is washed out (unlikely at this time of year) we will likely make up the camp at a later date, based on weather forecasts and field availability.
Important Note: For days leading up to an activity, please call Fred Watt at 936-443-1969 to find out what the official plan is. To check on the day of an activity, call coach Shelby Thomas at 281-221-1079. This would include days immediately following a hard rain as well as days when it rains on the day in question.
Instructors and Guest Speakers:
Shelby Thomas, Jason Williams, Chris Ross and Dan Green
Additional instructors may be added. Stay tuned for developments.
Other Information:
Players must wear appropriate baseball clothing, including baseball pants and hat, cleats, batting helmet, and appropriate protective gear. Each player must bring his own glove. Players are also advised to bring tennis shoes (for certain running drills), a towel, and an extra t-shirt. Players are strongly encouraged (but not required) to bring their own bat (and batting gloves), although a limited supply of bats may be on hand for general use.
Players are required to bring their own water bottle or other liquid supply. We will have a cooler on hand, but that can be depleted quickly. Also, although the facility does have a water fountain, we have no way of assuring its status of operation. So...bring plenty of fluids.
Finally, please understand that this is not a babysitting service and that parents are welcome to stick around during the camp, provided that they remain outside the fence or other areas where we are working. In connection, please plan for drop-off and pick-up at the appropriate times. We will not be responsible for players who are not picked up on time.
Each player must:
1) Register for the camp.
2) New players should fill out a Player Profile Sheet and either mail it in with his registration or bring it with him to the first day of camp. This file can be downloaded from the Registration page.
3) Behave. Good conduct will be enforced. Ours is a Christian organization. Although you do not need to be a professing Christian to participate, we do require that you abide by certain Rules of Conduct while participating in our camps. These are described on the registration form. Continual use of inappropriate language or behavior will result in dismissal with no refund.